This will be an action adventure game for my fantacy game on the Wii, with heavy focus on exploration and landscaping. It will be played in an adjustable over the shoulder view.

The main tools that you will use are the Clinklet Arms. Controlled by the wiimote and nun chuck, the player uses the arms to grab, drill, clamp, shoot and perform many other functions for both combat and landscaping purposes. Throughout the game you will find more unique arms that can be attached and detached to help the player solve puzzles or make combat easier. You can only use two arms at a time.
The style of fighting is similar to that of wrestling. The main idea is to grab/hold-down your opponent or at least part of your opponent with one arm and attack with another. This is the most basic form of fighting however there are many other ways to fight such as throwing your foe or things at your foe, blocking or grabbing things for blocking, shooting, countering when your grabbed and more. The different arms you have allow for some different styles of fighting, for example, you can attach a arm designed to shoot needles on your left side and an arm to push enemies away on your right.
Fighting isn’t the only thing that your arms are used for, there are many things in the world that you will encounter and must use your hands to assist and repair instead of destroy to get passed them. As explained earlier, everything in this world whether there plants, animals or mountains, have eyes. If the eyes are happy, there might be good fortune or secrets around, maybe they’ll even give you things. If there angry or sad, there might be danger near by or maybe the plant/ object will even attack you. Sure you can ignore them and make your life more difficult in the future, or you can help them and reap in the rewards that follow. Sometimes you will be doing gardening to cheer up the bushes so they won’t feel alone, sometimes you’ll cut the dead branches off the tree to help it look more appealing to the sexy rock down by the lake, and sometimes you’ll be polishing a cave so it will stop collapsing on you and your friends when you go through it. In the end you’ll have a lot of good fortune as you perform these good deeds, the more kinds of arms you find, the more actions you can perform leaving you with a lot of side-quests to complete.

Your allies become a major feature throughout your adventure as well. They will usually stay at the riffraff camp offering assistance, items to sell, new information or just some fun little games that you can play on you spare time (alone or with friends). Some of these allies however will go out with you on your journeys to either assist you with fighting or give you an extra pair of helping hands for tasks like gathering or gardening. During the main storyline you will usually have to go along with certain characters as they are needed to help move the plot, however during the time when you are out doing things that don’t involve the plot you can choose up to two allies to go out with you. Your allies won’t be going out alone doing their own things, instead they will follow you when ask and perform their specific actions when asked. This is usually done by pressing a button or when a action sign of the character and the function he/she can do appears on the bottom of the screen. Besides the specific functions, your allies can attack other enemies, carry you or an object, or let you be carried by them. None of your allies have a health bar, instead they are ignored in a fight and when they do attack on your command, they can only be knocked out for a short time becoming useless until they self-recover.